pub fn take<I, O, C, E: ParserError<(I, usize)>>(
count: C
) -> impl Parser<(I, usize), O, E>where
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes + StreamIsPartial + Clone,
C: ToUsize,
O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O>,
Expand description
Parse taking count
use winnow::binary::bits::take;
type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
fn parser(input: (Stream<'_>, usize), count: usize)-> IResult<(Stream<'_>, usize), u8> {
// Consumes 0 bits, returns 0
assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 0), Ok(((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 0)));
// Consumes 4 bits, returns their values and increase offset to 4
assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 4), Ok(((stream(&[0b00010010]), 4), 0b00000001)));
// Consumes 4 bits, offset is 4, returns their values and increase offset to 0 of next byte
assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 4), 4), Ok(((stream(&[]), 0), 0b00000010)));
// Tries to consume 12 bits but only 8 are available
assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 12), Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Backtrack(InputError::new((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), ErrorKind::Eof))));